Mikati condemns Israeli aggression in South Lebanon, calls for international intervention

NNA – Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Friday began the cabinet session with a strong condemnation of ongoing Israeli attacks on South Lebanon. He emphasized that these deliberate killings, destruction of towns, and burning of crops are not only condemnable, but also constitute a destructive and terrorist aggression that the international community must halt. Mikati reiterated Lebanon's commitment to fully implementing UN Resolution 1701.

The PM then expressed gratitude to friendly nations for their efforts to halt Israeli aggression and welcomed UN Security Council Resolution 2732, which outlines a roadmap to cease the fighting in Gaza. He urged for its swift implementation to prevent a broader regional conflict.

This week, Mikati attended the "Emergency Humanitarian Response in Gaza" conference in Jordan, where Lebanon's presence and stance were reinforced. He emphasized the need for continued support for Lebanon and pressure on Israel. The conference laid the groundwork for another event to launch a support campaign for Gaza and affected areas.

Mikati further highlighted the prolonged vacancy in Lebanon's presidency, urging all parties to engage in dialogue to elect a new president and restore stability to the country's institutions. He welcomed and appreciated all initiatives towards this goal.

The Prime Minister also acknowledged the Internal Security Forces on their anniversary, thanking the UAE for its support and commending Qatar for its continuous efforts to enhance the capabilities of the Lebanese Army.

He celebrated the recognition of the Lebanese University by QS Rankings for 2025 as the top institution in Lebanon for its professional and academic reputation.

Mikati went on to address the proposal from the Ministry of Economy and Trade regarding Qatar Electricity's offer. He detailed the steps taken to negotiate the development of 100 MW of solar power in two locations, highlighting the need for legal and contractual clarity. He noted that TotalEnergies had withdrawn from acquiring existing licenses and emphasized the necessity of a legal framework for a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement.

Looking ahead to the summer tourism season, Mikati praised the efforts of the Minister of Tourism and expressed hope for a successful season that would bolster Lebanon's status on the global tourism map, welcoming both Lebanese expatriates and Arab visitors.

Mikati concluded by reaffirming his respect for the judiciary amid recent political debates, clarifying the government's position on legal matters related to old rent laws and teachers. He extended his best wishes to all the Lebanese for a peaceful and blessed Eid al-Adha.

Mikati at “Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” conference in Jordan: Our south and its people are in a real catastrophe

NNA - Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Tuesday delivered a word at the  ‘Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza’ Conference, held at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center in the Dead Sea, Jordan, saying, “We are meeting today to support the people of Gaza in the face of the Israeli aggression. I am coming today from a homeland that is suffering the repercussions of this war on its land, including killing, displacement and destruction."

“The approach of destruction followed by Israel is unprecedented in history, and we experience it daily in Lebanon on the land of our precious south, which has been drenched with the blood of the martyrs and the wounded and has become a land scorched by the lava of crimality, as a repercussion  to the destructive plan in Gaza and a continuation of it,” Premier Mikati said.

“From this platform, we call on the countries of the world to intervene with all force to stop what is happening after 75 years of ignoring the rights of the Palestinians, in the hope that Security Council Resolution No. 2735 that was issued yesterday, which we welcome in the name of the Lebanese state, will be the first step, even if modest, towards stability, in order to reach the desired peace through the Palestinians gaining their right to their independent state. All else are mere projects that will not succeed, and cannot be imposed by the force of reality or the reality of force,” Mikati added.

“Lebanon is accustomed to feeling the Arab pain and carrying the issues of the Arabs because they are its people and family and it has paid a heavy price in terms of the lives of its people and its infrastructure. Today, Lebanon is ready to provide relief to the injured in Gaza, especially children, in its hospitals and to support them as an expression of its solidarity with them, in addition to helping to equip and rehabilitate medical cadres to compensate for Israel’s killing of hundreds of health sector workers.”

“We are also ready to cooperate with the Palestinian Authority to complete the necessary administrative arrangements to facilitate the crossing of the wounded for treatment and then return safely to their country quickly.”

Mikati continued: “You, beloved ones, can imagine the extent of the damage occurring in Lebanon as a result of the ongoing aggression since the eighth of last October. The damage is enormous in educational facilities, health, developmental and agricultural facilities, as well as in livestock and agricultural wealth.”

The PM concluded: “Our south and its people, are in a real and indescribable catastrophe, and the ongoing aggression is continuing to systematically kill, destroy and burn, turning southern Lebanon into a barren and scorched land. Therefore, I am presenting this matter to you so that you can be, as you have always been, standing by your second country, Lebanon, and I am confident that you will not fall short in that... of stretching a helping hand and assisting and repairing the damage, and helping and supporting people in reconstruction and steadfastness... because the symbolic Lebanon will remain an important country for you, no matter how severe the crises are.”

Mikati from parliament: EU aid to Lebanon unconditional

NNA - Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati explained Wednesday to the parliament that the fresh aid package offered to Lebanon by the European Union is unconditioned, and that no agreement has been signed in that respect.

"I confirm that the aid is not conditioned by any prior or subsequent condition, and no agreement has been inked with the European Union regarding it," Mikati told a parliament session devoted to discussing the aid and the displaced Syrians' file.

Mikati stressed the necessity of full accord between the Lebanese to resolve the Syria displacement issue.

"The European aid announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the presence of the Cypriot President is a confirmation of the periodic aid the European Commission has been providing to Lebanon for years," Mikati said.

"This European support is devoted to the basic services offered by the Commission to the governmental institutions in the fields of social protection, education, water and healthcare," he explained.

"The President of the European Commission has promised a re-evaluation of this aid every six months in light of Lebanon's need. She also promised doubled amounts and European investments in Lebanon once the required reform laws are approved," he added.

"We insisted that this aid be aimed at encouraging the Syrian displaced to return to their country and not to stay in Lebanon," he said.

"The government has never failed to make the suitable decision regarding the displaced file, and the army and security apparatuses are assuming their duties to curb the unjustified displacement which is threatening the independence of our entity," he underlined.

"What is needed today is a unified national position away from outbidding and accusations," he concluded.


Mikati from Jeddah: We look forward to KSA’s support and gesture towards Lebanon to rise again
Friday, May 19, 2023

NNA - Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Friday said in his speech at the 32nd Arab Summit in Jeddah: “Allow me to call this summit the ‘healing wounds" Summit, as it was preceded by an agreement to restore normal relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and also the return of sisterly Syria to play its full role in the League of Arab States.”

He continued: "We all know the Arab problems and issues, from the tragedy of Palestine, to Yemen and recently to the unfortunate situation in Sudan, but I want to talk about my country, Lebanon, which continues to suffer from multiple crises that have weighed heavily on the Lebanese people…"

He said, "This situation has become more complicated with the presidential vacancy and the impossibility of electing a new president. In addition, Lebanon has never hesitated to open its doors to our displaced Syrian brothers, out of faith in the brotherhood of the two peoples and the advancement of humanitarian considerations over everything else. However, the long duration of the crisis, the failure to address it, and the very large increase in the number of displaced persons, render the displacement crisis greater than Lebanon's ability to bear, in terms of its infrastructure, social influences and political repercussions at home, and in terms of the natural right of those displaced to return to their cities and villages.”

He added, “This return cannot be achieved without combined Arab efforts, with the support of the international community, and through communication and dialogue with sisterly Syria within the framework of an inclusive and stimulating Arab position through construction and recovery projects for the demolished areas to set a road map for the return of the Syrian brethrens to their homes."

He added, “This return cannot be achieved without combined Arab efforts, with the support of the international community, and through communication and dialogue with the sisterly Syria within the framework of an inclusive and stimulating Arab position through construction and recovery projects for the demolished areas to set a road map for the return of the Syrian brethrens to their homes."

He continued, "In this meeting, it is necessary to affirm Lebanon's respect for all successive international resolutions issued by the UN Security Council and the decisions of the Arab League and its charter, and its commitment to implementing its provisions. I also affirm, in the name of all of Lebanon, respecting the interests of brotherly countries, their sovereignty, and their social and political security, and combating the export of contraband to them and everything that harms stability in them. It is a firm commitment that stems from a sense of responsibility towards our brethrens and our concern for their security and safety and the purity and sincerity of fraternal relations with them.”

He concluded: "Whoever was able to transfer the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its youth to the leadership and pioneering positions they have reached and transform the Kingdom into a productive country in every sense of the word, in a short period, will not find it difficult to support brotherly Lebanon. From here, we look forward to the Kingdom's sponsorship and its fraternal gesture towards my country, Lebanon, so that it can rise again."

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كلمة الرئيس ميقاتي في إفتتاح مصنع تجميع وإنتاج الأجهزة الإلكترونية في الجامعة اللبنانية