

Many challenges face the world today. Education, the economy, the technology revolution, poverty, terrorism, global energy issues… You’re entrusted with the task of facing up to these challenges. Identify and study them. Should you succeed, you’d have made of the world not only the mere source of buried energy, but one of untold energies of the human mind, working, creating, and producing.

30/6/2007 - Freedom is both your present and your future. Your Lebanese tradition and inheritance. Freedom gives you more commitment to fight for justice among people and harmony among nations.

30/6/2007 - Do your best, from within your future positions, to avoid that Lebanon becomes the grounds for the disputes of others- other countries and other factions. It’s high time we realize this can only bring us hardship and strife.

30/6/2007 - Today you exit to the real, pragmatic world, away from conceptual theories, ready for the bright future any young man or woman would aspire to. It's yours for the taking, so don't hesitate. Plunge in it with unremitting work, guided by your faith in the Almighty, and with your parents' blessings.
The sparkle in your eyes shows me your righteousness, however dark the injustice around you. I see in you the bridge for continuity and national welfare whatever the obstacles. So don't be put off by aggravations. Life is an ongoing lesson, never synonymous with failures, as long as your mistakes become examples and your perseverance, achievement.

30/6/2007 - Lebanon is the country of pluralism, with the rich diversity of religion, culture and thought. At the heart of all dreams, a tangible reality, the epicenter. The ambitious country worthy of sacrifice, worthy of your belonging to him, once you dispel extremism and fanaticism.

30/6/2007 - Education is a strong dream, our courage an incentive to turn this dream a reality. So let’s dream of a country united in its rich diversity, stable in solid productivity, prosperous with the entrepreneurial spirit and work opportunities and fair play. Let’s work towards this goal, solid of will and action.

30/6/2007 - Every day will bring to you whatever you put in it. And the world will become your stage when you recognize one another. You are steadfast, let this be the bridge to your success. Be active in the dialogue of civilizations. And guided by your faith, learn to accept one another. Show the entire world the unique identity of your peoples and your countries.

30/6/2007 - That you should dream is your prerogative. Because dreaming propels one to unlimited freedom, to hope, not despair.

2/11/2006 - Let’s accept and value one another’s diversity, nationally and internationally. We can accomplish more together than any of us can achieve on our own. 2/11/2006 - Lebanon has always been a hyphen – a “trait d’union” - between East and West; and the beacon for democracy and liberties in the Middle East. I am certain that Lebanon will regain its role of being the model of tolerance and the champion of civil liberties, human rights and freedom of speech.

2/11/2006 - Only under a “State of Law” will the Lebanese find a viable political environment and peace of mind. A system based on a truly modern representative state, overcoming diversity for the “common good”. We are a nation with great potential, rich with its human capital and backed by its well-established Diaspora.

2/11/2006 - Events are imposing tremendous pressure on the Lebanese political, economic and security structures. Some wonder how the nation survived through history and emerged as a truly living political entity. Well, I say Lebanon exists by the determination of the Lebanese people to overcome the difficulties inherent to their diversity. They are attached to the model of coexistence, to the dialogue between cultures, to the deep historical roots of the ancient land, to their entrepreneurial spirit and mostly, to their tolerance and “joie de vivre”.

1/5/2006 - It is not necessary to stress enough the importance of human resources. It is a basic prerequisite for continuing success in institutions and companies. We witness thousands of success stories of large to middle-scale businesses. One major reason of their success is the notion that the human element is the basis of their capital. It is what they call Human Capital.

1/5/2006 - Changing circumstances today demand even further excellence. In fact, they demand that achievements become all-encompassing, all the more so in today’s era of globalization and international agreements to free trade and services, and to establish both dual and multiple free-zone areas.

11/4/2006 - How then to best address the complexities of our unpredictable world? I would say with the tools of knowledge, of wisdom, and of talent. In one word: education.

11/4/2006 - All religions have goodness in them. And history tells us religious extremists were defeated by people who shunned the collision course, saw Good and rejected Evil. Good people who look towards a brotherhood of man. People who turn the other cheek, equal in their love of God, equal in their faith, and equal in forgiveness, people who celebrate what they have in common, rather than what divides them.

11/4/2006 - The late Pope Jean Paul the 2nd hailed Lebanon as more than a country, as a message of freedom, a symbol of pluralism, and for mutual understanding between East and West. We Lebanese are closely bound to one another, a patchwork of communities, as many as 18 and more. Our destiny, and choice, is to live together, united, respectful to one another, as well as tolerant.

11/4/2006 - Gone are the days when a conqueror would subordinate another and dictate his own way of life. Today’s one accepted subordination is to the voice of reason. And the only imposition we could admit, is that of the aristocracy of the mind, and the elegant thoughts it harbors.

11/4/2006 - When there is discord, we must find the wisdom to reach for the group that is isolated outside the national accord. Our prime objective is then to preserve life, to endorse the generosity of the heart, by showing tolerance, and solidarity, to lay down the foundations of a society united by the will of all its citizens to live together, freed from tensions, chaos, and tragedy.

12/2/2004 - The Lebanese human resources is rich, let us focus on giving the young generation an education to foster modern thinking. Let us focus on how to best invest in the human resources.

4/1/2003 - Globalization represents one of the very difficult challenges facing Civil Aviation and Air Transport. It does not necessarily call for the integration of all into one vision, but rather the necessity to harmonize and customize our efforts to complement the roles of each of us in providing humanity the equality of life they deserve.
We cannot divide what we do not own, and the airspace is one for all. It is our role to use it wisely and to cooperate together in lifting all man made obstacles confronting air transport.

9/11/2000 - Lebanon needs a new strategy to enter the 21st century which defines the path forward to economic growth and long-term sustainable prosperous economy.
A plan of decisive action is needed to focus on the imperative needs and immediate priorities of reconstruction, and not to forget the long-term vision of economic growth and competitiveness.

18/10/2000 - While we are closing on the second millennium and embarking on the third, the world is stepping into unbeaten paths of knowledge and technology.
The Lebanese Government, very much aware of that, is expending substantial efforts to catch up with a lag of long years of civil war and occupation of part of its territory that left the country far behind in all fields.

25/6/1999 - The government of Lebanon considers its relationship with the international organizations and donor agencies to be one of utmost strategic value, for the welfare and well-being of its citizens. Lebanon will continue to strive for stronger and ever more productive ties with the international organizations.

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