PM Mikati’s Speech at International Conference on Lebanon in Paris
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024
Monsieur le Président Macron,
Mesdames et Messieurs les Chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement
Mesdames, Messieurs,
Je commence en français car c’est une langue du cœur.
Et le cœur de la France, nous le sentons ici - bat à l’unisson de celui du Liban.
En ces temps terribles, notre premier devoir, en tant que dirigeants, est de remettre les valeurs humanistes de fraternité, de justice et de droit au centre de notre action.
C’est pourquoi, je tiens, avant tout, Monsieur le Président, à vous remercier d’avoir organisé cette conférence. Je tiens à vous remercier de toutes les initiatives que vous avez menées personnellement pour soutenir mon pays. Nous vous en sommes très reconnaissants.
Au cours d’une histoire qui s’étend sur plusieurs millénaires, le navire Liban a affronté bien des tempêtes. Bien des fois, il a failli sombrer pour finalement poursuivre sa course avec détermination et courage. Et pourtant, cette tempête-ci n’est pas comme les autres, car elle porte en germe la destruction totale, non seulement de mon pays, mais aussi des valeurs de l’humanité toute entière.
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous sommes reconnaissants à la France, qui s’est toujours tenue à nos côtés, la France dont le soutien ne s’est jamais démenti et cette conférence est le témoignage de l’amitié et de la solidarité qui régissent les relations entre nos deux pays.
Mr. President,
Distinguished Guests,
I come before you today with a heavy heart to shed light on the ongoing aggression by Israel on Lebanon, an act that has led to the displacement of over 1.2 million Lebanese citizens of which 500,000 are children that lost their homes, and schools. The devastating impact of this war on our nation cannot be overstated, as it has left a trail of destruction and misery in its wake.
The aggression by Israel has not only caused immense human suffering and loss of life but has also inflicted severe damage to our infrastructure, economy, and social fabric. The displacement of such a large number of our citizens has created a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions, one that demands urgent attention and action from the global community.
The indiscriminate and targeted attacks on healthcare workers and first responders, with more than 150 killed, and the disabling of over 13 hospitals and more than 100 healthcare centers constitute clear violations of International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions, as reported by UN agencies, including WHO. The international community must act urgently to hold those responsible accountable and ensure the protection of civilians and critical infrastructure.
To mitigate these challenges, international support must extend beyond immediate humanitarian assistance and focus on comprehensive medium- to long-term recovery efforts. This approach should aim to rebuild critical infrastructure, restore economic and social stability, and support sustainable development, ensuring Lebanon’s resilience in the face of ongoing challenges.
Mr. President,
Distinguished participants,
What we as Lebanese expect from the international community is the following :
- Solidarity and ceasefire: Lebanon calls on the international community to come together and support efforts that will end the ongoing aggressions and enforce an immediate ceasefire.
- Humanitarian Aid and Social Support: The war has destabilized living conditions, increasing the need for humanitarian aid. International financial aid is required to provide basic services such as food, healthcare, shelter, and education.
- Need to prioritize stabilization of key institutions: particular priorities include providing support to local authorities in effectively managing the high influx of displaced persons and ensuring their access to essential service such as waste, energy and water.
- Early Recovery and Infrastructure: The current Israeli aggressions has caused further destruction to roads, schools, hospitals, cultural heritage landmarks and other critical infrastructure. International financing is needed for large-scale reconstruction projects, including rebuilding the transport system, power grids, water facilities, removal of rubbles for reconstruction and telecommunications infrastructure.
Mr. President,
Distinguished participants,
I am would like to inform you that we have conducted a comprehensive needs assessment and have consolidated the findings into a detailed table that will be shared with all participants.
Transparency and accountability are paramount in our efforts to rebuild and recover, we will work in direct coordination with international organizations such as the UN, World Bank, and others to ensure that aid is coordinated effectively and utilized efficiently to reach those in need. Your support is crucial in our mission to rebuild and restore hope in Lebanon.
Mr. President,
Distinguished participants,
The loss of Lebanese civilian lives and destruction could have been avoided if Israel had agreed to endorse the joint statement issued on September 25, which was led by the US and France. In this vein, the Lebanese Government supported and still supports this initiative, and we call today for an immediate ceasefire!
The Lebanese government trusts that a ceasefire will have an immediate impact of calming tensions on the Southern Lebanese front and could pave the way for a sustainable long-term stability.
It will open the door for a diplomatic track that the government will fully support. This track is meant to address security concerns along the southern border as well as disputes along the blue line through the full implementation of UNSCR 1701.
UNSCR 1701 remains the cornerstone for stability and security in south Lebanon. The full implementation of 1701 from both Lebanon and Israel will safeguard Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and provide a security on our southern borders that can allow displaced communities to return to their regions.
The commitment of the Lebanese government to initiate the recruitment process of additional Lebanese soldiers in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 demonstrates a clear dedication to the implementation of this resolution. The decision to recruit more soldiers is a significant step towards enhancing the capacity of the Lebanese armed forces to maintain security and stability in the region. However, the successful implementation of this commitment will require the support and assistance of the international community. This assistance can come in various forms, including financial support, training, and technical assistance to ensure that the recruitment process is carried out effectively and efficiently.
The Lebanese government has consistently shown strong support for the UNIFIL mandate, recognizing its crucial role in maintaining stability along the southern borders. The government of Lebanon condemns Israeli attacks on UNIFIL and emphasize the importance of international support for UNIFIL's mandate and calls upon the global community to contribute to this vital effort. The Lebanese government reaffirms its commitment to working closely with UNIFIL to ensure the security and stability of the region.
Mr. President,
Distinguished participants,
The sequence of the stability equation is an:
- 1. Immediate ceasefire
- 2. Full Implementation of UNSC1701
- 3. Deployment of 8,000 LAF soldiers south of the Litani
- 4. Resume the diplomatic efforts to address disputes along the blue line reach a deal that can secure long and sustainable stability in South Lebanon.
The understanding on the Maritime borders stands as a testament to Lebanon's commitment to peaceful negotiations and conflict resolution. These maritime understandings not only resolved longstanding disputes but also showcased Lebanon's willingness to engage constructively with honest facilitators. In the coming period, and after a ceasefire is achieved, the Government of Lebanon stands ready to engage again and to play its role in avoiding further escalation, while ensuring the safety and security of its citizens, Lebanon’s sovereignty and the integrity of its territory.
Mr. President,
Distinguished participants,
The cornerstone of internal stability in Lebanon remains in electing a president who upholds the constitution, enforces the National Pact and the Taif Agreement, and backs a new government to implement essential reforms.
I call upon you all to remain engaged in diplomatic discussions that can support and can contribute to a brighter future for Lebanon during this critical.
The Lebanese state needs a fundamental rebuilding of its economy and institutions and the empowerment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF). This rebuild should focus on nation-building, citizenship, conflict prevention, reform, and Lebanon’s national interest. Learning from past failures like wars, and financial collapses, we must avoid missed opportunities and human suffering. A new path must be charted, solid and sustainable, centered on the Lebanese people. Together, we must plan for national recovery, reconciliation, and resurgence to secure a brighter future for Lebanon.
Mr. President, what Lebanon needs the most today before tomorrow is an immediate ceasefire!
We count on you and the friends of Lebanon present here to make all pressure needed to make a ceasefire happen!
Thank you for your attention and your support.